
Acne Mask mango red skin


Mango is not only sweet fruits, cool , delicious but also a versatile material made ​​equally beautiful tomatoes , aloe , lemon ... Meat mango , mango peel helps remove dead skin , acne bruises great . Along learn the great uses for mango beauty of Light:

                                                       Acne Mask mango  red skin

Exfoliation mango - meat pole effective exfoliation .


- 1 tablespoon mango puree meat

- 1 tablespoon milk

- Honey

Capable mango exfoliation effect is not inferior to any other fruit . Mix all the above ingredients to the mixture smooth , sticky . Then apply on your face and massage in circular motions . This mask helps remove entirely dead skin cells and blackheads , returned to the female skin smooth as a baby.

Tri bruise with mango peel


- Case dried mango , mill

- 1 tablespoon yogurt

Most of us are unaware of mango peel - 1 materials equally beautiful mango flesh inside. Mango peel can be dried or ground into powder , then mixed with 1 tablespoon unsweetened yogurt . Mixed masks from mango peel will help fade dark circles pigmentation , helps skin more bright , all colors .


Treatment of acne with extremely simple mango . If your home is available in mango , just move one piece in boiling water and boil . Then the water used to boil the mango to destroy acne on his face. You will be surprised to efficiently bring water from the mango .

Wash face


- 1 tablespoon of wheat flour

- 1 teaspoon of mashed mango flesh

Mix the above ingredients and use them as a natural cleanser and benign . Flour mixture and mango gently washed the dust found on the skin and helps the skin to look bright , stress ball .

white leather


- 1 teaspoon almond flour

- 1 teaspoon of mashed mango flesh

- 1 tablespoon milk

Mix all the ingredients to be mixed adhesive . You can use them as a common mask . After 20 minutes on the skin side up rinse with warm water . Milk powder and almond skin more white light pink .

Mask for sensitive skin


- 1 tablespoon oatmeal

- 1 teaspoon of mashed mango flesh

- 1 tablespoon milk

- Honey

Mango mask with oatmeal is very good for sensitive skin , the skin returns seem fresh and rosy . Mix all the ingredients to be mixed adhesive . After you wash and dry your face , apply the mixture on your skin mask for 15 minutes and rinse with cool water . You will be pleased that his skin was carefully taken care of and beautiful to see .

Masks melasma

The traces due to the sun will no longer be a threat through mango bark . Rub ripe or green mango peel on your face or hands , then add a little cream . Leave for 15-20 minutes and then rinse with cold water . Use this mask 2-3 times / week to thoroughly healed nám .

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