
Food perfect for round 1

There are many foods made ​​for 1 full round . The following foods have helped over 1 female " rich " just be healthy .

                                                         Food perfect for round 1


Soy intake is more help for first round plump women , toned because soybean and processed products containing soy isoflavones , this substance will help lower the level of estrogen in the female body , reducing reduce discomfort in the chest area . If two meals a day eating soy foods such as : tofu , soy milk or soup would be great for round 1 health .

The fungus

The mushroom fungi such as snow , black fungus , mushrooms ... are drugs regulated natural biological reactions , enhances immunity to the body , with strong anti-cancer effects . Research proves , eating healthy mushroom is the extra power for round 1 .


Seaweed is an algae , for women , is not the most effective beauty , beautiful hair , which also supports fat loss help treat proliferative glands . Research findings , seaweed helps ease ducts is due to the proliferation of seaweed iodine levels , help promote ovarian corpus luteum cyst , made ​​all the more out of balance adjustment , lower risk mammary glands of proliferative disease for women.

Hard-shelled seeds

The hard-shelled nuts including soybeans , peanuts contain lecithin , almonds , walnuts , sesame seeds are rich in protein , which are the amount of antioxidants , have anti-cancer effect . In addition, hard-shelled nuts and seeds help increase vitamin E tolerance to the body . Tolerated vitamin E helps to increase breast tissue elasticity .

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