
5 health benefits of salmon

5 health benefits of salmon

Salmon is not only essential fatty acid supplement brings heart health , skin and hair but also good for the brain . In salmon contain very little of this type of fat , rich in omega - 3 fatty acids , are essential components of the development process in the human brain .

  Besides the great benefits that this brings fat , experts say , salmon also contains many other essential nutrients that can help increase the overall health of the body .

Rich in protein and amino acid

The meat of animals such as pigs , cows ... contains a lot of protein , but if you do not eat healthy , can cause excess protein , obesity , diabetes ... Meanwhile , you can eat salmon comfortably without worrying .Protein and amino acids in salmon are easily absorbed , good for the digestive system and heart . In salmon also contains many essential vitamins such as vitamin A , D , phosphorus , magnesium , zinc , calcium and iodine ... in particular salmon also contribute to healthy bones .

Reduce the risk of stroke , heart disease

According to the research results of the School of Public Health Harvard University , U.S. , omega - 3 fatty acids found in fish helps to effectively improve blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure , eating fish regularly every week will prevent the risk of heart disease , stroke reduction .In addition, omega - 3 also helps reduce triglyceride levels in the blood and reducing blood clumping phenomenon leads to blockage of blood vessels . The scientists said , those who follow the diet more servings of salmon per week will be approximately 12 % reduced risk of the disease than those who do not eat or eat less .

Skin and Hair Care

An important benefit of salmon for improved health is more textured skin and hair to help hair shine and skin smooth . In salmon are rich in protein , vitamin D and fatty acids omega - 3 . Approximately 3 % of hair is made ​​up of fatty acids .Omega - 3 is also found in the cell membranes of the scalp . Omega - 3 fatty acids have a protective effect on cells and moisturizes the skin . It also encourages the production of collagen and elastin fibers , healthy skin . In addition, the fatty acids in salmon also provides nourishment to the hair follicles and help maintain healthy hair . This is the natural oils retain moisture for hair and scalp . So that helps salmon skin against sunburn phenomenon as well as skin cancer .

Muscle Development

Salmon is high in protein and omega - 3 fatty acids are high . Omega - 3 fatty acids are effective in reducing the risk of muscle protein breakdown after exercise and improves muscle recovery . This is extremely important because in order to create muscle , your body needs to store new protein faster than the former protein is lost .So , even though you have worked hard, but not reasonable additional food , the effects of the exercise will not be promoted . Regularly eating fish helps muscle recovery and boost metabolism .

Good for brain

For humans , DHA polyunsaturated fatty acids found in salmon and have an important role in the growth of brain cells and the nervous system . Lack of human qualities to memory loss , poor intelligence . Especially for young children , DHA is a vital nutrient necessary for growth and brain cells .In addition, many studies have shown that support very large trout during brain development of the fetus . So , for pregnant women , the increase of salmon in the diet is essential .

Strengthening eye health

Trout food is very effective in maintaining visual function . Levels of omega - 3 and amino acids in salmon help improve eye health and prevent macular degeneration ( AMD ) , dry eyes and fatigue .AMD is a common cause of vision loss in people over 50 years old and studies indicate that trout actively feeding help prevent macular degeneration . The omega -3 fatty acids in the great battle against AMD can lead to blindness . Salmon is also a natural source of vitamin D is beneficial for eye health .

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